Rosjava + depth from kinect
I need get Z-coordinate from kinect. I know that one way is get this information from topic depth/image ... where is compute Z-coordinate ... or another way is that compute from depth points. But I can't get right data from topics by rosjava. I write subscriber ->
Subscriber<sensor_msgs.Image> depthPoints = connectedNode.newSubscriber("/cam3d/depth/image", sensor_msgs.Image._TYPE); depthPoints.addMessageListener(new MessageListener<sensor_msgs.Image>() { @Override public void onNewMessage(sensor_msgs.Image message) { ChannelBuffer data = message.getData(); int heightM = message.getHeight(); int widthM = message.getWidth(); for(int x = 0; x < widthM; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < heightM ; y++) { System.out.println(data.readUnsignedShort()); } } } });
but I see in cmd wrong number, so I don't know what I doing wrong ...
So, How I can get Z-coordinate by rosjava ?
Thank's for any advice
Asked by LeopoldPodmolík on 2013-03-31 10:08:52 UTC
Maybe it's an endianness issue?
Asked by damonkohler on 2013-05-07 20:57:42 UTC