How to produce PointCloud2 from original data with kinect [closed]

asked 2013-03-08 00:49:36 -0500

Robin Hu gravatar image

updated 2016-10-24 08:34:34 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

I use ros-comm in a ARM chip. Because the package "openni_camera" can not work in the ARM chip, so I have to get kinect data using openni library. Then I send the data to the PC ,and want to prdouce the PointCloud2 from these original data. How this should be to do? My PC also has ROS.

This is my code to produce original data with kinect:

 #include <XnCppWrapper.h>  
 #include <stdio.h>  
 using namespace xn;  
 * use  1.create object 2.set output mode 3.initilization 4.update and processing  
 * ex.. 1.DepthmapPointCloud cloud;;; 4. ... ; 

 class DepthmapPointCloud      
DepthmapPointCloud(Context &contex, DepthGenerator &depthGenerator)  
    : m_hContex(contex), m_hDepthGenerator(depthGenerator), m_nStatus(XN_STATUS_OK),  
        m_pProjecttiveCloud(0), m_pRealworldCloud(0) {}
void init();  
void stop();  
void setOutputMode(const XnMapOutputMode &outputMode);  
void updataPointCloud();        // updata the point cloud datas   
inline XnPoint3D* getPointCloudData()  
    return m_pRealworldCloud;  
inline const XnUInt32 getPointCloudNum() const  
    return m_nOutputMode.nXRes*m_nOutputMode.nYRes;  
inline const XnMapOutputMode& getXYRes() const   
    return m_nOutputMode;  
inline const XnMapOutputMode getDefaultOutputMode()  
    // set the depth map output mode  
    XnMapOutputMode outputMode = {XN_VGA_X_RES, XN_VGA_Y_RES, 30};  
    return outputMode;  
* test: return projective point cloud data 
inline XnPoint3D* getRawPointData()  
    return m_pProjecttiveCloud;  
* test: get field of view 
inline void getFieldofView(XnFieldOfView &FOV)const  

Context &m_hContex;  
DepthGenerator &m_hDepthGenerator;  
XnStatus m_nStatus;  
XnMapOutputMode m_nOutputMode;  
XnPoint3D *m_pProjecttiveCloud;  
XnPoint3D *m_pRealworldCloud;  

inline void printError()  
    if (m_nStatus != XN_STATUS_OK)  
        printf("Error: %s", xnGetStatusString(m_nStatus));  
DepthmapPointCloud(const DepthmapPointCloud &rhs);  // don't define copy constructor  
DepthmapPointCloud& operator=(const DepthmapPointCloud &rhs); // don't define assignment operator  

void DepthmapPointCloud::setOutputMode(const XnMapOutputMode &outputMode)  
m_nOutputMode.nFPS = outputMode.nFPS;  
m_nOutputMode.nXRes= outputMode.nXRes;  
m_nOutputMode.nYRes = outputMode.nYRes;  

void DepthmapPointCloud::init()  
m_nStatus = m_hContex.Init();  
m_nStatus = m_hDepthGenerator.Create(m_hContex);  
// set output mode  
m_nStatus = m_hDepthGenerator.SetMapOutputMode(m_nOutputMode);  
// start generating  
m_nStatus = m_hContex.StartGeneratingAll();  
// allocate memory to projective point cloud and real world point cloud  
m_pProjecttiveCloud = new XnPoint3D[getPointCloudNum()];  
m_pRealworldCloud = new XnPoint3D[getPointCloudNum()];  

void DepthmapPointCloud::stop()  
delete [] m_pProjecttiveCloud;  
delete [] m_pRealworldCloud;  

void DepthmapPointCloud::updataPointCloud()  
    // update to next frame data  
    m_nStatus = m_hContex.WaitOneUpdateAll(m_hDepthGenerator);  
    // printf("DataSize: %d\n", m_hDepthGenerator.GetDataSize());       // test  
    // store depthmap data to projective cloudpoint data  
    XnUInt32 index, shiftStep; 
    for (XnUInt32 row=0; row<m_nOutputMode.nYRes; ++row)  
        shiftStep = row*m_nOutputMode.nXRes;  
        for (XnUInt32 column=0; column<m_nOutputMode.nXRes; ++column)  
            index = shiftStep + column;  
            m_pProjecttiveCloud[index].X = (XnFloat)column;  
            m_pProjecttiveCloud[index].Y = (XnFloat)row;  
            m_pProjecttiveCloud[index].Z = m_hDepthGenerator.GetDepthMap()[index]; //mm  
    if (m_nStatus != XN_STATUS_OK) throw m_nStatus;  
    // convert projective pointcloud to real world pointcloud  
    m_hDepthGenerator.ConvertProjectiveToRealWorld(m_nOutputMode.nXRes*m_nOutputMode.nYRes, m_pProjecttiveCloud, m_pRealworldCloud);  

    for (XnUInt32 row=0; row<m_nOutputMode.nYRes; ++row)  
        shiftStep = row*m_nOutputMode.nXRes;  
        for (XnUInt32 column=0; column<m_nOutputMode.nXRes; ++column)  
            index = shiftStep + column;    
catch (...)  
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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by tfoote
close date 2015-11-16 01:38:48.399516