odometry precision required for a good navigation
I have been using a neato XV-11 base with an Asus Xtion Pro Live 3D sensor mounted on it for mapping and navigation.
Now I am willing to move to another platform: a cmRobot "the Element" board for motors control and sensors readings.
This board would allow me to use a large range of motors and motors encoders.
But what is the motor encoder precision required for a good odometry, and successful navigation / mapping ?
I have found this wheels and encoders kit: http://www.active-robots.com/motors-wheels/wheel-kits/motor-mount-wheel-kit.html
But the specifications states: "36 encoder positions per revolution; approx 0.5 inch resolution with 6" diameter wheel".
It does not seem to be very precise (36 encoder positions per revolution). For example, this other wheel kit: http://www.active-robots.com/motors-wheels/wheel-kits/complete-robot-drive-system.html has "360 Encoder counts per output shaft turn." (as said in the downloadable EMG30 documentation)
So how to chose the right encoders and wheels for indoor navigation (small office) ?
Your advices will be much appreciated.