Primesense Data Format
I have successfully built the OpenNI package on the QorIQ processor platform. The QorIQ prcessor of Freescale ia based on the e500v2 core.
I used the USB part of the OpenNI to configure and read the Data from the primesense RD1.09 module.
However, what I get from the Primesense Module into the platform is a byte stream that represents raw data. This is achieved by continiously read the corresponding Bulk Endpoints
Do you have any documentation/Information on the format of this byte stream? Do you have any documentation on how to transform the byte streams to the depth map and rgb map?
I don't have any information about the header, start and end of real data.
As I don't know how the byte stream is composed, its is difficult to transform it to the depth- and rgb map.
Thank you in advance for your help.