ccny_rgbd_tools launch files for PR2 in Gazebo
I would like to use the ccny_rgbd_tools package on the PR2 in Gazebo using the head_mount_kinect.
What would the launch files I would need in order for this to work?
What would I need to modify in the current launch files?
Sorry, I'm still inexperience using the PR2 and its topics so I don't quite understand which topics will be required. However, I am still checking.
I updated the vo+mapping.launch file to remap the expected topics:
<node pkg="ccny_rgbd" type="visual_odometry_node" name="visual_odometry_node" output="screen">
<remap from="/rgbd/rgb" to="/head_mount_kinect/rgb/image_raw"/>
<remap from="/rgbd/depth" to="/head_mount_kinect/depth/image_raw"/>
<remap from="/rgbd/info" to="/head_mount_kinect/rgb/camera_info"/>
... rest of the node ... </node>
However, I get this error: (partial)
Frame /r_gripper_motor_slider_link exists with parent /r_gripper_palm_link. Frame /r_gripper_r_finger_link exists with parent /r_gripper_palm_link. Frame /r_shoulder_lift_link exists with parent /r_shoulder_pan_link. Frame /r_shoulder_pan_link exists with parent /torso_lift_link. Frame /r_wrist_flex_link exists with parent /r_forearm_link. Frame /torso_lift_motor_screw_link exists with parent /base_link. Frame /odom_combined exists with parent NO_PARENT.
Most of the links now say that there is NO_PARENT.
Now I know the ccny_rgbd_tools expects:
RGB Image (8UC3) topic Depth Image (16UC1, in millimeters) topic Camera Info topic
However, I don't know if I am using the right topics. Any suggestions?
Topics and Frames I am using: remap from="/rgbd/rgb" to="/head_mount_kinect/rgb/image_raw/compressed"
remap from="/rgbd/depth" to="/head_mount_kinect/depth/image_raw"
remap from="/rgbd/info" to="/head_mount_kinect/rgb/camera_info"
param name="publish_tf" value="false"
param name="fixed_frame" value="/odom"
param name="base_frame" value="/base_link"
Are you sure
is a debayered RGB image in 8UC3?I'm not sure, however, to move from a simulated Gazebo image to a real Image, the use of cv_bridge is needed to turn a ROS msg in to an OpenCV Mat. I think this will take more time.
the ccny_rgbd already uses cv::bridge to convert ROS messages, so no need to account for that. Is there any documentation on the Gazebo image generation you can point me to? Or launch files, or anything?
Basically, I'm just calling $roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2_empty_world.launch found here : The Gazebo Image Generation is done by ray-tracing from the camera reference frame as far as I know.
I see. Well the pr2_bringup.launch is calling robot_pose_ekf, but disabling the vo, so that needs to be changed. Before you worry about robot_pose_ekf, I would make sure that the topics and frames are correct