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ROS AMCL based navigation error

I got an error when running AMCL based navigation. It runs in loop asked me to give transformation from /map to /baselink. I believe that should be given by AMCL right? I see through the previous solution on the ROSanswers. Non of the previous suggestion helps solve the problem

here Im not running on actual robot. Just using laser to do localization by giving a fake odom. All I need to see is the correct planed path and correct cmd_vel. Im going to runn this node on quadcopter. So I don`t have a odom

My launch file consist of standard configuration in ROS_NAVIGATION tutorial.



tf base_link to laser

tf baselink to odom
So I set odom frame always correct and it is precisely at base

map server

AMCL here I set odom frame to be base_link or world

move_base and rviz

the move_base and all other node works when using together with Gmapping node. But it is too much computational power for small uav system to handle. Only difference is I replaced the Gmapping with the map server and AMCL

tf in the rviz shows /laser /base_link /odom is shown But /map and /world is missing

Asked by snakehaihai on 2013-02-06 19:05:07 UTC

