Navigation stack parameters tuning to pass through a narrow space
I've already applied nav stack to my own robot(it's not omni, but diff)
and now I'm tuning parameters.
I'd like to make the robot to pass through a narrow space
which consits of a wall and obstacle.
However, when it comes close to the space, it stucks.
Concretely speaking, when it comes close to the narrow space,
it does the followings.
(1) goes closer to the wall or obstacle in a very low velocity(I think it's strange behavior).
(2) goes back or rotate a little.
(3) continues (1) and (2) permanently without recovery behaviors(Local minimum ??).
Actually, when I put a obstacle very close(about 20cm) to the robot,
it behaves in the manner.
I'd like to know ...
(1)What parameters are important to avoid above problems ?
(footprint, inflation_radiusm pass_distance_bias, goal_distance_bias, occdist_scale?)
(2)If it's not the parameters' problem, could you tell me how to solve it ?
Thanks in advance.