Are there ROS API documents published, and where?
This seems like a stupid question, but I have honestly tried and failed to find any documentation for the ROS APIs. To better clarify, I'm coming from the Java world, where I can go to Oracle's website and look up the API for any class that's in the standard libraries. Not that I'm asking for the same level of documentation, but it seems like there should be something similar and it's just my failure in finding it. Or do I need to get the source code for the particular library I'm wondering about and reference those files directly?
I just posted previous question that I should have been able to answer for myself if I could have located the API documentation for the roscpp library. Can someone please point me in the right direction?
Thanks! Hung
Ah, I see where I went wrong - I started drilling down from the link in the main page, under the section "3. API Reference", and assumed that the link in the top right box for "Package Links" would be the same. Thanks for your patience and quick responses, dornhege and tfoote.