How to see (visualize) the robot orientation (Yaw) in rviz
I need a help regarding a robot orientation. I made a node that calculate the orientation of the robot to some object in the map/ So I can get the Yaw from my transformation, but that is just a number. Is there any tool that can visualize that orientation??This the part of the code where I get the YAW
.... some code.. while (node.ok()) {
//Speed and Yaw calculation
tf::StampedTransform transform2;
listener.lookupTransform("/map", "/base_link",
ros::Time(0), transform2);
catch (tf::TransformException ex){};
vel = hypotenuse(xlast,ylast, transform2.getOrigin().x(),transform2.getOrigin().y());
yaw = tf::getYaw(transform2.getRotation());
speed_count = 0;
xlast = transform2.getOrigin().x(); ylast = transform2.getOrigin().y();
else speed_count++;
..... more code
Any help??