Where are the NAO sensors in the urdf model?
HI I am working in a tesis about the stabilization for robots ,but i am going to work only with simulators, without real robotic plataforms. So I realized there is a URDF model for Nao, then I downloaded the nao directories in nao_ common.
I wrote the following comand to open the urdf file in the "/naocommon/naodescription/urdf" directory: roslaunch urdftutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=naorobot_v4.urdf.xacro
Then i could see the links and joints of the robot in RVIZ. But I COULDNĀ“T see the sensors(gyro sensors, accelerometers, pressure sensor). Where are those sensors? how can i work with those sensors in a simulator?
Asked by Jey_316 on 2012-11-23 10:42:26 UTC