Ubuntu 12.10 update-manager wants to remove Groovy
Hello, I am using Ubuntu 12.10 and just installed ros-groovy-desktop-full. When I run Ubuntus update-manager it says it has to do an partial upgrade and wants to remove ros-groovy-desktop-full (and upgrade some ros-groovy packages). Any idea what is going on? Is it just my computers problem? I don't dare to upgrade in fear of removing the whole ROS installation... Cheers, Oier
I already had boost 1.49. It seems that the package ros-groovy-desktop-full is now missing on the repository. On the installations instructions it says the following: "Desktop-Full Install: (Recommended) Not available in beta 1: ROS, rqt, rviz, robot-generic libraries, 2D/3D simulators, navigation "
Well, after removing ros-groovy-desktop-full (can't reinstall it since it is not available in the repo), now the packet manager suddenly wants to remove the following packages: ros-groovy-camera-calibration, ros-groovy-cv-bridge, ros-groovy-depth-image-proc etc. but they still exist in the repo...
There's a conflict somewhere up the dependency tree. Unfortunately apt doesn't provide many good error messages. You'll probably have to manually walk up the tree deleting things until you find the one that conflicts.