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MoveIt: installation breaks kinematics_msgs?, bug trac is 404

ROS Fuerte

I just wanted to let you know that installing MoveIt (and some other stacks) seems to have broken the error message declarations in 'kinematicsmsgs'. Yesterday I was successfully building 'armkinematics', now today after installing MoveIt (and some other stacks) it won't build because it's missing some error codes from 'kinematicsmsgs'. When I look in there, it seems the error names are now defined in 'moveitmsgs', so given I only just installed it, I'm assuming it must have overwritten something in 'kinematicsmsgs'? The compiler says it doesn't recognize NOFKSOLUTION, but NOIK_SOLUTION and some others are okay.

Also, the bug trac for MoveIt is 404.

Cheers and keep up the good work, I can't wait to see the PR2 doing the MoveIt dance!

Asked by dbworth on 2012-11-18 05:42:08 UTC

