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Image transport slow performance

I'm working on a little prototype for transferring image data over ROS. I have a roscpp publisher publishing 800*600, 16bit images at 25Hz. A subscriber on the local machine streams these with no frame loss. However, a remote subscriber consistently averages around 1.5fps.

Looking at the packets in wireshark (note: I'm not a network guru), it would appear that each TCP packet contains only around 100-150bits of data, far less than the TCP MTU. It's possible that my interpretation of this data is flawed - hence, not a network guru - but it may go some way to explaining the performance loss.

Any ideas what might be causing this slow performance?

Asked by nwb234 on 2012-11-17 05:02:47 UTC


Is that remote subscriber subscribing via wireless? If so, does a wired remote subscriber see the same issue?

Asked by Eric Perko on 2012-11-17 08:30:28 UTC
