Problems with ROSARIA
I got a probem with running Pioneer. Please help me. I installed a package ROSARIA to my robot P3-DX and it works well. But what i want to do is to move the robot by keyboard. By the way, I found that there are many source code in the Aria package such as ArActionKeydrive.cpp ArActionInput.cpp etc. I want to know how to use these useful codes at the same time.
thank you.
I don't have any experience with ROSARIA, but so far I have had no problem with p2os with both the Pioneer P3-DX and P3-AT. If you are not determined to use Aria specifically, I could try to help you get started.
I also use the Pioneer-3DX robots. I have set up 3 of them for ros. I definitely recommend you approach this with P2OS instead of ROSARIA. You can even avoid setting up a separate laptop for it.