pcl17 error while loading shared libraries
I'm currently building pcl17 with BUILD_GPU and BUILD_CUDA enabled. When I run the compiled pcl_kinfu_largescale
rosrun pcl17 pcl_kinfu_largescale
I get the following error:
/home/craig/fuerte_workspace/sandbox/perception_pcl_unstable/pcl17/bin/pcl_kinfu_largeScale: error while loading shared libraries: libpcl_common.so.1.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
However, the libraries do exist in the directory perception_pcl_unstable/pcl17/build/pcl_trunk/build/lib.
It appears the kinfu binary is being ran in the fuerte_workspace folder, but I'm not sure if that affects the included library. I've also tried running the binary directly from the build folder. I've successfully built the pcl trunk and can run the kinfu binary that way, but I need to incorporate ROS into it so it is not much help.