relation between gazebo and rviz
2-) what is its relation with gazebo and RVIZ ?!
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2-) what is its relation with gazebo and RVIZ ?!
Gazebo is a 3D rigid-body physics simulator (including a graphical interface).
rviz is a tool for 3D visualization of data from other ROS nodes as well as some support for sending commands to other ROS nodes.
rviz can show you anything that it has a plugin for displaying and has been published by your nodes. You can find a list of DisplayTypes here:
I mean something such as when infer for missing component can RVIZ show me what the robot think about now , before actually robot move to that object and try to grasp it ?! like display missing component beside component it really see now but with different colors reflect periorty of this component
I'm not 100% sure I get what you're asking. rviz can show you anything you publish that it knows how to show. It does not do any sort of inference on it's own. For example, if you wanted to see N possible plans from a planner at time t, your planning node would have to publish all N plans to rviz.
Asked: 2012-10-13 07:27:37 -0500
Seen: 4,673 times
Last updated: Oct 13 '12
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