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rgbdslam error while installing for natty


I am getting an error while installing rgbdslam and dependencies.

Failed to find rosdep libgsl for package rgbdslam on OS:ubuntu version:natty

Failed to find rosdep libqt4-dev for package rgbdslam on OS:ubuntu version:natty

Failed to find rosdep libdevil-dev for package rgbdslam on OS:ubuntu version:natty

Failed to find rosdep libqt4-opengl-dev for package rgbdslam on OS:ubuntu version:natty

Failed to find rosdep libglew-dev for package rgbdslam on OS:ubuntu version:natty

[ rosmake ] rosdep install failed: Rosdep install failed

All the shown packages are already installed

Do i have to upgrade the system to Ubuntu 11.10?


Asked by Prasad on 2012-10-02 02:01:47 UTC


Are you using ros electric or fuerte?

Asked by Felix Endres on 2012-10-02 02:21:47 UTC

I am using electric

Asked by Prasad on 2012-10-04 19:40:19 UTC

try updating the svn. The switch to the dependency names of fuerte broke the dependencies of electric. I updated rosdep.yaml in the repository, to make it work with electric too. Besides, you should be able to compile and use rgbdslam despite the above error anyway.

Asked by Felix Endres on 2012-10-05 09:19:05 UTC

Solved, Thanks Felix

Asked by Prasad on 2012-10-06 19:58:30 UTC

i have the same problem and I'm using the revision 3541. would be great to get your help

Asked by dinamex on 2012-11-08 15:13:31 UTC

On what ubuntu version?

Asked by Felix Endres on 2012-11-08 21:24:40 UTC
