[Resolved: Hardware issue] Rover Robotics zero2_teleop: Process has died, exit code -6
EDIT: Resolved by switching to a different robot, likely a hardware issue. To anyone else with the same problem, I'm really really sorry I couldn't figure this out to help you! Original post below:
I'm trying to get a 2WD Rover Robotics Zero2 running on teleop with a PS4 bluetooth controller, but when I run the appropriate roslaunch command I get the following error:
[roverrobotics_driver-4] process has died [pid 20225, exit code -6, cmd /home/lab/catkin_ws/devel/lib/roverrobotics_driver/roverrobotics_driver_node __name:=roverrobotics_driver __log:=/home/lab/.ros/log/0209a734-06eb-11ee-b767-8f194a25f231/roverrobotics_driver-4.log].
log file: /home/lab/.ros/log/0209a734-06eb-11ee-b767-8f194a25f231/roverrobotics_driver-4*.log
I can try to locate the log file but no file exists. I currently have a second identical robot running teleop no problem but I can't figure out what's going wrong with this one. Full output below, you can see where I [Ctrl+C] to stop the command and kill all processes:
~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch roverrobotics_driver zero2_teleop.launch
... logging to /home/lab/.ros/log/0209a734-06eb-11ee-b767-8f194a25f231/roslaunch-ubuntu-20317.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://ubuntu:35263/
* /Kd: 8e-05
* /Ki: 0.0
* /Kp: 0.0011
* /angular_a_coef: 0
* /angular_b_coef: 0
* /angular_c_coef: 1
* /angular_max_scale: 1
* /angular_min_scale: 1
* /comm_type: serial
* /device_port: /dev/rover-zero-v2
* /ds4_driver/autorepeat_rate: 0.0
* /ds4_driver/deadzone: 0.1
* /ds4_driver/device_addr:
* /ds4_driver/use_standard_msgs: False
* /ps4_mapper/inputs/angular/y: -axis_right_y
* /ps4_mapper/inputs/angular/z: axis_right_x
* /ps4_mapper/inputs/linear/x: axis_left_y
* /ps4_mapper/scales/angular/y: 50
* /ps4_mapper/scales/angular/z: 3.14
* /ps4_mapper/scales/linear/x: 1
* /ps4_mapper/stamped: True
* /robot_mode: INDEPENDENT_WHEEL
* /robot_type: zero2
* /rosdistro: noetic
* /rosversion: 1.16.0
* /roverrobotics_input_manager_node/control_inputs: [{'sub_topic': 'c...
* /status_frequency: 30
* /twist_mux/locks: [{'name': 'naviga...
* /twist_mux/topics: [{'name': 'naviga...
ds4_driver (ds4_driver/ds4_driver_node.py)
ds4_to_imu (tf2_ros/static_transform_publisher)
ps4_mapper (roverrobotics_input_manager/ps4_mapper.py)
roverrobotics_driver (roverrobotics_driver/roverrobotics_driver_node)
roverrobotics_input_manager_node (roverrobotics_input_manager/control_input_manager.py)
twist_mux (twist_mux/twist_mux)
process[ds4_driver-1]: started with pid [20331]
process[ds4_to_imu-2]: started with pid [20332]
process[ps4_mapper-3]: started with pid [20333]
process[roverrobotics_driver-4]: started with pid [20334]
process[twist_mux-5]: started with pid [20340]
process[roverrobotics_input_manager_node-6]: started with pid [20341]
[ INFO] [1686595421.473061551]: Starting Rover Driver Node
[ WARN] [1686595421.487497089]: Closed Loop Control is ACTIVE. Please make sure your PID is properly tuned
[ INFO] [1686595421.492506213]: Topic handler 'navigation' subscribed to topic '/cmd_vel': timeout = 0.500000s, priority = 10
[ INFO] [1686595421.504714656]: no 'angular_coef' set; using the default value: 0.000000
[ INFO] [1686595421.506624235]: no 'traction_factor' set; using the default value: 0.000000
[ INFO] [1686595421.520783603]: Topic handler 'keyboard' subscribed to topic '/managed/key': timeout = 0.500000s, priority = 90
Warning: ~/robot.config file not found, persistent trim disabled
errorerrorterminate called after throwing an instance of 'int'
[ INFO] [1686595421.550080745]: Topic handler 'joystick' subscribed to topic '/managed/joy': timeout = 0.500000s, priority = 100
[ INFO] [1686595421.564182767]: Topic handler 'autodock' subscribed to topic '/managed/auto_dock': timeout = 0.500000s, priority = 10
[ INFO] [1686595421.575937337]: Topic handler 'freedom' subscribed to topic '/managed/freedom': timeout = 0.500000s, priority = 90
[ INFO] [1686595421.601729254]: Topic handler 'navigation' subscribed to topic 'pause_navigation': timeout = None, priority = 90
[ INFO] [1686595421.618785951]: Topic handler 'joystick' subscribed to topic 'joy_priority': timeout = None, priority = 100
[roverrobotics_driver-4] process has died [pid 20334, exit code -6, cmd /home/lab/catkin_ws/devel/lib/roverrobotics_driver/roverrobotics_driver_node __name:=roverrobotics_driver __log:=/home/lab/.ros/log/0209a734-06eb-11ee-b767-8f194a25f231/roverrobotics_driver-4.log].
log file: /home/lab/.ros/log/0209a734-06eb-11ee-b767-8f194a25f231/roverrobotics_driver-4*.log
[INFO] [1686595422.894001]: Linear Scale is at 1.000000
[INFO] [1686595423.793063]: [hidraw]: Scanning for devices
^C[roverrobotics_input_manager_node-6] killing on exit
[twist_mux-5] killing on exit
[ps4_mapper-3] killing on exit
[ds4_to_imu-2] killing on exit
[ds4_driver-1] killing on exit
[INFO] [1686595425.139460]: Shutting down...
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
Asked by robotresearcher on 2023-06-12 14:08:25 UTC