Robot stands 2cm behind target (DWA Planner)
I am using DWA planner algorithm. When I go towards the target I gave in the RVIZ environment, my robot stays a few inches behind the target point and starts to spin around itself. It stops after a while.
The place marked in red is my target point. The green line is the path created in the DWA planner. What can I do to have my robot stop at that point?
DWA planner parameters:
maxvelx: 0.13
minvelx: -0.13maxvely: 0.0
minvely: 0.0maxveltrans: 0.26 minveltrans: 0.0
maxveltheta: 1.82
minveltheta: 0.9acclimx: 2.5
acclimy: 0.0
acclimtheta: 3.2xygoaltolerance: 0.6
yawgoaltolerance: 0.17
latchxygoal_tolerance: falsesimtime: 2.0
vxsamples: 20
vysamples: 0
vthsamples: 40
controller_frequency: 10.0pathdistancebias: 32.0
goaldistancebias: 20.0
occdistscale: 0.02
forwardpointdistance: 0.325
stoptimebuffer: 0.2
scalingspeed: 0.25
maxscalingfactor: 0.2oscillationresetdist: 0.05
publishtrajpc : true
publishcostgrid_pc: true
Asked by furkan_ on 2023-06-09 07:18:41 UTC
xy_goal_tolerance: 0.6
You have told the DWA Planner it can terminate the movement up to 60 cm from the goal. If the robot is less than 60 cm from the goal at the beginning, the planner may not move the robot at all. I'm very surprised it even got as close as 2 cm.
Asked by Mike Scheutzow on 2023-06-10 08:23:07 UTC