nmea subscriber
Hello, I am able to subscribe to nmeanavsatdriver using a code similar to this post But I want to store the latitude and the longitude into 2 separate variables. Anyone knows how I can do that? I don’t need the altitude or any other data provided by the driver
Asked by GMGims on 2023-05-12 07:29:48 UTC
Can you elaborate your question a little? nmea_navsat_driver is a package, how can you subscribe to that. Do you mean you have the
topic available but somehow want to subscribe and read latitude and longitudes from that in a code? (what code? Python/C++, have you written a subscriber already?)Asked by Gaurav Gupta on 2023-05-12 07:34:34 UTC
Sorry, for not clarifying my question. I am using Python, I have the /fix topic. I don’t have access to my code now but my subscriber looks like this:
rospy.Subscriber("/fix", Sentence, callback)
I included
from nmea_msgs.msg import Sentence
at the beginning of the code.Like you said, my goal is to find a way to read just the latitude and longitude. If you need my full code, I will able to provide it later today when I get my computer. Thank you for your answer.
Asked by GMGims on 2023-05-12 07:41:31 UTC
Please edit your post and show us an actual message from your "fix" topic. Format it with the 101010 button.
You setup seems unusual; "fix" is usually a
message, not anmea_msgs/Sentence
message.Asked by Mike Scheutzow on 2023-05-13 07:40:36 UTC
Mike, thank you very much. I was able to do what I wanted, the problem as you mentioned was that I used the wrong message type. Here is how I did it:
This is just the essential of the code
Asked by GMGims on 2023-05-13 19:27:44 UTC
I suggest you make this comment the answer. Then click the checkmark in the gray circle to the left of the answer.
Asked by Mike Scheutzow on 2023-05-14 08:22:51 UTC