LAPACK API not found even though liblapack-dev is installed
Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04
Installation type: source
ROS Version ROS1 melodic
Laser unit: Hokuyo, Gazebo Turltebot3 simulation
Steps to reproduce issue I am trying to compile slamtoolbox from source in ROS1 melodic in my catkin workspace. When I enter catkinmake I get the following error:
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/FindLAPACK.cmake:361 (message):
A required library with LAPACK API not found. Please specify library
Call Stack (most recent call first):
slam_toolbox/slam_toolbox/CMakeLists.txt:43 (find_package)
Expected behavior I am expecting that it would compile because I have the following packages already installed:
libblas-dev is already the newest version (3.7.1-4ubuntu1).
liblapack-dev is already the newest version (3.7.1-4ubuntu1).
libatlas-base-dev is already the newest version (3.10.3-5).
libhdf5-dev is already the newest version (1.10.0-patch1+docs-4)
Additional information I have looked at multiple sources online to try and solve this but have been stuck. Here is what I searched so far: Error in building source files in Ubuntu #81 Re: [easybuild] CMake not finding LAPACK Install LAPACK and BLAS on Linux-Based Systems
Asked by hunterlineage1 on 2023-05-07 21:41:08 UTC
Dumb question, but did you try to uninstall it and then reinstall via rosdep?
Its looking for the library location - where is the library location\?
Asked by stevemacenski on 2023-05-08 14:06:40 UTC
@stevemacenski I am trying to uninstall and reinstall liblapack-dev via rosdep. When I enter
sudo apt remove liblapack-dev
here is what I get:I am concerned that it is removing the gazebo packages which will break my current ROS melodic setup. I am looking for resources to run slam_toolbox inside a ROS melodic docker container because running slam_toolbox is critical for my research.
I ran
sudo updatedb
to update the locate database and then ranlocate
. Here is what I got:Asked by hunterlineage1 on 2023-05-10 10:30:43 UTC
You can just uninstall and reinstall it?
Asked by stevemacenski on 2023-05-16 12:43:06 UTC