No map received in RViz despite successful data publishing to /scan topic
I'm using an RPLidar A1 sensor to generate a map of the environment using the gmapping node in ROS. I've configured the RPLidar node to publish data to the /scan topic, and I'm using the slam_gmapping node to generate a map from this data.
However, when I visualize the map in RViz using the map topic, I'm seeing the message "no map received" in the status bar. Here are some additional details about my setup:
I'm using a static transform broadcaster to publish the transform between the baselink and lidarframe frames, and I've added a new static transform broadcaster to publish the transform between the baselink and map frames. I've checked the output of the slamgmapping node and there don't seem to be any errors or warnings being output. I've tried increasing the mapupdateinterval parameter in the rosparam section of the slamgmapping node to give the mapping algorithm more time to build the map, but that didn't seem to help. When running the viewframes command, I can see the following frames being broadcasted: baselink, lidarframe, and map. The baselink frame appears to be the parent frame of the lidarframe and map frames. I'm wondering if there are any other potential causes for the "no map received" message in RViz, and if there are any other troubleshooting steps I could try to get the map to display. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Asked by Iron-jesse on 2023-04-28 09:06:49 UTC
As the terminal log was not displayed here, I guess and give my suggestions:
1) check the slam_gmapping node whether died.
2) check the /odom topic which is also required by slam_gmapping, just like /scan. It seems that there is no tf between /odom and /base_link.
Maybe show more details of the output will be better for helping others understanding this question :)
Asked by MichaelShuo on 2023-06-27 20:22:06 UTC