BT_Navigator failing to load Libary: libnav2_change_goal_node_bt_node
Hello all,
I've been following this tutorial in order to have 2 turtlebot robots working with nav2 amcl. So to reproduce that I only downloaded that workspace and launched:
ros2 launch turtlebot3gazebo
ros2 launch localizationserver
The problem is that when I try to launch the navigation to make them move to the pose published in rviz (apart from that tutorial)
ros2 launch nav2bringup usesimtime:=true namespace:="tb3_0"
I get this error:
[ERROR] [1680258456.257513729] []: Caught exception in callback for transition 10 [ERROR] [1680258456.257574221] []: Original error: Could not load library: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [WARN] [1680258456.257655084] []: Error occurred while doing error handling. [FATAL] [1680258456.257685068] [btnavigator]: Lifecycle node bt_navigator does not have error state implemented
Asked by USanz on 2023-03-31 05:57:29 UTC