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How to create a 3D map using an RPlidar A1M8?

hello everyone i hope that u r all doing good. I'm working on a project in which i want to create a 3D map using an RPlidar A1M8 with a raspberry Pi 4B and but i don't know the software that i will need and steps to follow btw i heared about using a servomotor to rotate the rplidar

Asked by achraf12 on 2023-03-16 11:30:29 UTC


I edited your title to improve the chance people will click on it.

Asked by Mike Scheutzow on 2023-03-17 06:37:03 UTC


A RPlidar A1M8 is a 2D lidar, meaning that it can only get data about its surroundings from a 2D perspective. 3D lidars can get info from their surroundings in a 3D perspective. To make a 2D lidar into a 3D lidar you would need to spin the 2D lidar around very fast on its roll axis and know the position of the 2D lidar on the roll axis. If you can combine the regular 2D lidar data (The distance from the object and the yaw angle of the lidar) and where the roll angle of the lidar you can get data in a 3D perspective or what is known as a pointcloud. (Doing what I described is not recomended)

Asked by bribri123 on 2023-03-19 12:32:43 UTC


There is actually a package that helps converting 2D laser scan.

Asked by Davies Ogunsina on 2023-03-19 18:53:45 UTC