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Issues with Mapping SUMMIT HL

Hi guys!

I have an issue with our SUMMIT HL - ROS Kinetic about creating maps. At the time that I want to create/see the map at RVIZ, it appears a WARNING message of “No map received” on the section “Map” as you can see in the screenshot.

image description

I had tried the following command to launch the maps roslaunch summit_xl_localization slam_gmapping.launch, but it hadn't worked. I got this response from the command:

roslaunch summit_xl_localization slam_gmapping.launch
… logging to /home/summit/.ros/log/0345347c-b1d9-11ed-b1bb-0030180d6edc/roslaunch-SHL00-191011AA-3126.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://SHL00-191011AA:33415/



/rosdistro: kinetic*
/rosversion: 1.12.14*
/slam_gmapping/angularUpdate: 0.1*
/slam_gmapping/astep: 0.05*
/slam_gmapping/base_frame: summit_xl_base_link*
/slam_gmapping/delta: 0.05*
/slam_gmapping/iterations: 5*
/slam_gmapping/kernelSize: 1*
/slam_gmapping/lasamplerange: 0.005*
/slam_gmapping/lasamplestep: 0.005*
/slam_gmapping/linearUpdate: 0.2*
/slam_gmapping/llsamplerange: 0.01*
/slam_gmapping/llsamplestep: 0.01*
/slam_gmapping/lsigma: 0.075*
/slam_gmapping/lskip: 0*
/slam_gmapping/lstep: 0.05*
/slam_gmapping/map_frame: summit_xl_map*
/slam_gmapping/map_udpate_interval: 2.0*
/slam_gmapping/maxUrange: 16.0*
/slam_gmapping/odom_frame: summit_xl_odom*
/slam_gmapping/ogain: 3.0*
/slam_gmapping/particles: 100*
/slam_gmapping/resampleThreshold: 0.5*
/slam_gmapping/sigma: 0.05*
/slam_gmapping/srr: 0.1*
/slam_gmapping/srt: 0.2*
/slam_gmapping/str: 0.1*
/slam_gmapping/stt: 0.2*
/slam_gmapping/temporalUpdate: 3.0*
/slam_gmapping/xmax: 50.0*
/slam_gmapping/xmin: -50.0*
/slam_gmapping/ymax: 50.0*
/slam_gmapping/ymin: -50.0*

slam_gmapping (gmapping/slam_gmapping)*

process[slam_gmapping-1]: started with pid [3271]

After that, I couldn’t visualize or receive any map in RVIZ. It show the message that you can in the screenshot above "WARNING message".

Also, I had tried a basic command to launch the map rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=<laser_scan_topic_name_in_summit_xl>, but it didn't work either. The response was:

*rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=/robot/front_laser/scan
[ WARN] [1677139925.295843110]: MessageFilter [target=odom ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.gmapping.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.
[ WARN] [1677139985.296373562]: MessageFilter [target=odom ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.gmapping.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.
^Cvirtual GMapping::GridSlamProcessor::~GridSlamProcessor(): Start
virtual GMapping::GridSlamProcessor::~GridSlamProcessor(): Deleting tree*

And when I tried to save the map, it shows a message of “waiting for the map” without any result.

rosrun map_server map_saver -f /home

[ INFO] [1677139917.287486654]: Waiting for the map

On the other hand, I think maybe the issue could be in the frames of the robot, but I'm not sure what could be wrong, maybe some connections between frames.

image description.

If you could give me a hand, It would be great!

Best regards, Daniel.

Asked by daniel.arguello on 2023-03-07 04:20:08 UTC

