hector_quadrotor not hovering in ROS melodic version but hovers in ROS noetic version
I am using hector_quadrotor package to simulate SLAM in gazebo and rviz, particularly using the following command:
roslaunch hector_quadrotor_demo indoor_slam_gazebo.launch
I am using ROS melodic to run the above and it works fine. I use teleoptwistkeyboard to control the motion of the quadrotor. When I enter 't' to gain altitude, once you let go, it comes back down to the ground. I understand this is because there are no commands being sent to keep it at that level. How do I get hectorquadrotor to hover while using teleoptwist_keyboard, like in this noetic version of hector_quadrotor? What code do I have to change to allow this in the melodic version? I am thinking it could be related to the controllers or publishing a twist message to keep it hovering, but I am worried this might not allow me to enter inputs for changing velocity using the teleoptwistkeyboard
Asked by hunterlineage1 on 2023-02-14 01:17:17 UTC