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Moveit Servoing with real XArm

asked 2023-02-06 12:03:14 -0500

akumar3.1428 gravatar image

updated 2023-06-18 09:43:47 -0500

lucasw gravatar image

Hi, I am trying to move real xarm with the example pose_tracking_example.cpp . I am trying yo use ROS2 moveit servoing as an example and replicate it in ROS1. I am following the steps 1. roslaunch realMove_exec.launchlaunch_file 2. roslaunch pose_tracking_example.launch launch_file

My config file for xarm is

# Modify all parameters related to servoing here
use_gazebo: false # Whether the robot is started in a Gazebo simulation environment

## Properties of incoming commands
command_in_type: "speed_units" # "unitless"> in the range [-1:1], as if from joystick. "speed_units"> cmds are in m/s and rad/s
  # Scale parameters are only used if command_in_type=="unitless"
  linear:  0.4  # Max linear velocity. Meters per publish_period. Unit is [m/s]. Only used for Cartesian commands.
  rotational:  0.8 # Max angular velocity. Rads per publish_period. Unit is [rad/s]. Only used for Cartesian commands.
  # Max joint angular/linear velocity. Rads or Meters per publish period. Only used for joint commands on joint_command_in_topic.
  joint: 0.5

## Properties of outgoing commands
publish_period: 0.034  # 1/Nominal publish rate [seconds]
low_latency_mode: false  # Set this to true to publish as soon as an incoming Twist command is received (publish_period is ignored)

# What type of topic does your robot driver expect?
# Currently supported are std_msgs/Float64MultiArray or trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory
command_out_type: trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory

# What to publish? Can save some bandwidth as most robots only require positions or velocities
publish_joint_positions: true
publish_joint_velocities: false
publish_joint_accelerations: false

## Incoming Joint State properties
low_pass_filter_coeff: 2.0  # Larger --> trust the filtered data more, trust the measurements less.

## MoveIt properties
move_group_name:  xarm6   # rewrite by robot dof
planning_frame: link_base  # The MoveIt planning frame. Often 'base_link' or 'world'

## Other frames
ee_frame_name: link_eef  # The name of the end effector link, used to return the EE pose
robot_link_command_frame:  link_base  # commands must be given in the frame of a robot link. Usually either the base or end effector

## Stopping behaviour
incoming_command_timeout:  0.2  # Stop servoing if X seconds elapse without a new command
# If 0, republish commands forever even if the robot is stationary. Otherwise, specify num. to publish.
# Important because ROS may drop some messages and we need the robot to halt reliably.
num_outgoing_halt_msgs_to_publish: 4

## Configure handling of singularities and joint limits
lower_singularity_threshold:  17.0  # Start decelerating when the condition number hits this (close to singularity)
hard_stop_singularity_threshold: 30.0 # Stop when the condition number hits this
joint_limit_margin: 0.1 # added as a buffer to joint limits [radians]. If moving quickly, make this larger.

## Topic names
cartesian_command_in_topic: delta_twist_cmds  # Topic for incoming Cartesian twist commands
joint_command_in_topic: delta_joint_cmds # Topic for incoming joint angle commands
joint_topic: joint_states
status_topic: status # Publish status to this topic
command_out_topic: /xarm7_traj_controller/joint_trajectory # rewrite by robot dof

## Collision checking for the entire robot body
check_collisions: true # Check collisions?
collision_check_rate: 10.0 # [Hz] Collision-checking can easily bog down a CPU if done too often.
# Two collision check algorithms are available:
# "threshold_distance" begins slowing down when nearer than a specified distance. Good if you want to tune collision thresholds manually.
# "stop_distance" stops if a collision is nearer than the worst-case stopping ...
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1 Answer

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answered 2023-02-24 12:31:30 -0500

akumar3.1428 gravatar image

Hi, please visit XArm_moveit_servoing. There is an example that you can use for your code.

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Asked: 2023-02-06 12:03:14 -0500

Seen: 148 times

Last updated: Feb 24 '23