Good Stereo Vision System for Autonomous Driving
I am looking for a good stereo system for autonomous driving. I do not want to build a stereo system myself because it has a lot of problems such syncronization, calibration, etc.
I search and find stereo systems such as Realsense or Zed 2; however, these are suitable for indoor and small spaces not outdoor and autonomous driving.
The only thing that I found was "zed 2i 4 mm" and "Scarlet 3D Depth Camera with 25 cm baseline". I am not sure zed 2i 4 mm suffice my need. "Scarlet 3D Depth Camera with 25 cm baseline" is what I want; however it is so expensive.
My questions: - Do you thing ""zed 2i 4 mm" is suitable for autonomous vehicle and outdoor environment such as streets? - Do you have another suggestions?
Asked by farhad-bat on 2023-01-25 12:04:42 UTC
I used the intel d435i camera here with rtabmap.
It works pretty well outside, and works even better alongside lidar (I just used the camera). All localization was from fused encoder+imu+(gps - still working to consistently work with gps) odometry, as visual odometry typically isn't good outdoors. I will clean up the github soon, but the only two relevant launch files are camera.launch and voxelgrid_throt.launch.
Asked by chased11 on 2023-01-25 23:11:46 UTC
Do you have any video or image from outside? Thanks for reply.
Asked by farhad-bat on 2023-01-26 09:25:30 UTC
Not yet. Eventually will have a video linked on there that shows the robot driving and the RVIZ view.
Asked by chased11 on 2023-01-26 14:10:03 UTC