bag_to_pcd invalid characters
I transformed a rosbag file to pcd file by rostool bagto_pcd.
with some success output like this:
Got 50384 data points in frame velodyne on topic /velodynepoints with the following fields: x y z intensity ring time Data saved to rostooloutput/1628410321.879456997.pcd
Got 50367 data points in frame velodyne on topic /velodynepoints with the following fields: x y z intensity ring time Data saved to rostooloutput/1628410321.979679108.pcd
Got 50357 data points in frame velodyne on topic /velodynepoints with the following fields: x y z intensity ring time Data saved to rostooloutput/1628410322.079864025.pcd
But when I clicked the pcd file. the header part is valid, with some info like FIELDS SIZE HEIGHT DATA binary but the following data parts are invalid characters
Thanks in advance
Asked by sinsinsinsin on 2022-12-06 23:35:44 UTC
The header suggests by using DATA binary
that your editor is trying to show binary values instead of UTF-8 etc.
Can you use some visualization tool, like, to visualize and debug these PCDs?
Asked by ljaniec on 2022-12-07 02:43:28 UTC
Thanks. I didn't try this tool but eventually manually saved the info in ASCII format. I will try this tool next time
Asked by sinsinsinsin on 2023-02-12 12:16:21 UTC
So what is the status of this question? Can you load this bag in the code? Was the rosbag correct? Conversion to ASCII - how did you do it manually?
Asked by ljaniec on 2023-02-12 15:52:55 UTC