How to convert a bag file with pointcloud2 data to a .pcd file

asked 2022-11-28 01:37:03 -0500

JonasFerns gravatar image


I am new to ros and I am currently working on a project which requires me to save the pointcloud2 data I obtained from a gazebo simulation to a .pcd file so that I can view it using a external app. I managed to save the pointcloud2 data to a bag file using ros2 bag record /camera/points.

However when trying to play it back nothing shows up and I am not able to figure out how to convert this into a pcd file.

Most of the documentation I found online uses the pcl_ros package but trying to use sudo apt install gave me an error that the package was unable to be located.

I would appreciate it I could get some help or directions with understanding how to proceed with this.

Thank you

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