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Generic message to JSON converter in C++?

Hi, I'm trying to convert a message into a json string.

While it only takes 2 lines in python, this seems more complex in C++.

I have a working example for 1 message type (geometry/msgs/Twist)

void Foo::cmdVelCb(geometry_msgs::msg::Twist::SharedPtr msg)
    std::string yaml_str = rosidl_generator_traits::to_yaml(*msg);
    YAML::Node yaml_node = YAML::Load(yaml_str);

    dc_interfaces::msg::StringStamped pub_msg;
    nlohmann::json data_json;
    data_json["linear"]["x"] = yaml_node["linear"]["x"].as<float>();
    data_json["linear"]["y"] = yaml_node["linear"]["y"].as<float>();
    data_json["linear"]["z"] = yaml_node["linear"]["z"].as<float>();
    data_json["angular"]["x"] = yaml_node["angular"]["x"].as<float>();
    data_json["angular"]["y"] = yaml_node["angular"]["y"].as<float>();
    data_json["angular"]["z"] = yaml_node["angular"]["z"].as<float>();

But now I would like to have a generic way to do it since I will have many more types to handle. Any suggestion?


Answer: I could not achieve a generic one but did this using

std::string yaml_str = geometry_msgs::msg::to_yaml(*msg);
YAML::Node yaml_node = YAML::Load(yaml_str);
json data_json = tojson::detail::yaml2json(yaml_node);

This still requires to pass geometrymsgs::msg::toyaml which I would have liked to avoid.

Asked by Dben on 2022-11-08 06:18:42 UTC



In rclpy you have a lot of functionality already built-in, e.g. based on this note:

Most ROS 2 users probably do not need this package. This package was originally developed for ROS 1. In ROS 2, most of the functionality is already built in. Specifically, check out


for converting a Python dictionary to a ROS message, and


for converting a ROS message to a Python dictionary.

I tried to find similar functionality featured in rclpp (without much success), but I found these packages mentioned:

You can easily convert YAML to JSON in C++, e.g.

Other links I read:

Asked by ljaniec on 2022-11-08 07:11:06 UTC


Thanks! I could use . I added my solution as an edit using this library. I hesitated to accept the answer because I could get what I wanted but it does not fully answer the question (I could not achieve a generic function) since i still need to pass the message type to parse

Asked by Dben on 2022-11-19 15:37:15 UTC