I am trying now to set ROS_IP instead of ROS_HOSTNAME. How do I unset ROS_HOSTNAME?
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I am trying now to set ROS_IP instead of ROS_HOSTNAME. How do I unset ROS_HOSTNAME?
I would suggest that you remove any line like:
export ROS_HOSTNAME=...
from your .bashrc and create a new shell. Else you would have to call unset every time you create a new shell.
Asked: 2012-08-08 05:04:34 -0500
Seen: 1,393 times
Last updated: Aug 08 '12
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wow I'm an idiot. Thanks! That was the answer I needed by the way so no one else needs to answer.
In that case, click the checkbox at the answer to accept it, so people see that it's answered.