calculation technical
I am looking the kinect calibration and depth calculation.
z = b*f / d
There is "4.1 Focal lengths".
IR focal length is 580 pixels.
Could you please tell me why camera focal length is used in terms of pixels
instead of in mm or in meteres ?
Asked by rosmaker on 2012-08-06 18:46:32 UTC
Double Posting! pls. Follow this Topic kinect_calibration
Asked by tlinder on 2012-08-06 21:50:15 UTC
nice question but your topic is not really self explaining. Next time (or if possible edit also this question) use a titel which highlights the related Problem to attract the right experts. Regarding your question i do not know and will follow this topic to get enlightened ;-)
Asked by tlinder on 2012-08-06 21:47:59 UTC