I want to get GPS information in ROS, but many errors occur.

asked 2022-09-16 02:12:01 -0500

donguri gravatar image


  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • ROS Noetic
  • Rover : ZED-F9P

What I want to do

I want to display GoogleMap in Rviz.

Current status

Below are the commands I performed in my Ubuntu PC terminal. Reference site (Japanese)

#Preparation for sending base station information to Ubuntu using RTKLIB
git clone -b rtklib_2.4.3 https://github.com/tomojitakasu/RTKLIB.git
cd RTKLIB/lib/iers/gcc/
cd RTKLIB/app/consapp

#Preparing the ublox ROS package to transmit mobile station RTK calculation results in ROS Topic
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/KumarRobotics/ublox.git
cd ../
catkin build

#Run each file from two terminals
terminal 1:
./str2str -in ntrip://[pasword]@rtk2go.com:2101/[MountPoint of base station] -out serial://ttyACM0:230400
terminal 2:
roslaunch ublox_gps ublox_device.launch node_name:=ublox param_file_name:=zed_f9p_rover

Current Issue

Looking at Terminal 1, the UbuntuPC seems to be able to receive data from the base station. It is evidenced by the following outputs.

2022/09/16 06:09:06 [CC---] 2632711 B 9182 bps (0) rtk2go.com/MountPoint (1) /dev/ttyACM0

However, the following many errors and warn occurs in Terminal 2.

  • [WARN] [a lot of numbers]: INF: NMEA unknown msg
  • [ERROR] [a lot of numbers]: INF : RXM unh meas 1 300962
  • [ERROR] [a lot of numbers]: INF : c2c b mism 1500!=1501
  • [ERROR] [a lot of numbers]: INF : rxbuf alloc 2
  • [ERROR] [a lot of numbers]: INF : rxbuf alloc 3
  • [DEBUG] [a lot of numbers]: INF : U-blox read checksum error : 0x04 / 0x01

These errors were not resolved by adding "-RTCM3" to the end of the Terminal 1 input.

./str2str -in ntrip://[pasword]@rtk2go.com:2101/[MountPoint of base station] -out serial://ttyACM0:230400-RTCM3

Is there any way to resolve these errors and warnings? I hope you can help me!

Thank you!

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