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Deforming mesh on a XACRO file

I’ve just created my XACRO model of a human being composed by 31 links (wich correspond to the bones of the skeleton) without visual. Now I want to add a mesh to my model, so I generated a simple COLLADA with MakeHuman software. I’ve tried out different solution for associate the .dae file to my links, but I can not figured out the problem that the mesh is static: it can’t be deformed by the movement of the joints. Is it possible on a XACRO or URDF file, to have a single mesh associate with multiple links?

Asked by AndreaTss on 2022-09-06 04:59:57 UTC



No, this is not supported.

URDF does not support "rigging" a mesh, as you seem to want to do.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2022-09-06 12:04:11 UTC
