Robot position jumps during manual and autonomous mapping, which causing abnormal map. Need help

asked 2022-09-01 15:58:43 -0500

manzurmurshid gravatar image

Required Info:

  • Operating System:
    • ubuntu 20.04
  • ROS2 Version:
    • Foxy
  • Version or commit hash:
    • latest binary
  • DDS implementation:

Steps to reproduce issue


robot bringup in robot machine

ros2 launch ros2_diff_drive-robot_bringup

robot visualization in Host machine

ros2 launch ros2_diff_drive_robot_visualization

slam toolbox for mapping

ros2 launch ros2_diff_drive_robot_navigation ```

Expected behavior

While manually controlling the robot it should map the room as clean as possible and should not jump to a different position

Actual behavior

The map is very noisy as seen in the video. The maps rotate as well with the base_frame which I am not sure it supposed to do it or not. After moving the robot it seems it jumps to a different position which is making the map unusable

  1. video with SLAM toolbox - video link
    • Note: Imu topic freezes at some point which has been fixed later using a separate power source for IMU. But this is not causing the main issue.
  2. video without slam but only lidar laser scan - video link

Additional information

This is a custom differential robot that has teensy 3.2 as a microcontroller running microros client. The robot has also MPU9250 imu and 2 encoders in both motors. For lidar source, I am using YDLIDAR. As seen in the videos the map shifts while manually moving the robot, which is why I cannot get a clean map. The weird jumps or map shift does not appear in the simulation with the same robot description file. Any help is appreciated.

All the config files and launchers are below:

  • ekf config file

    frequency: 50.0
    two_d_mode: true
    publish_tf: true
    map_frame: map             
    odom_frame: odom            
    base_link_frame: base_footprint
    world_frame: odom 
    transform_time_offset: 0.1
    transform_timeout: 0.1
    #x     , y     , z,
    #roll  , pitch , yaw,
    #vx    , vy    , vz,
    #vroll , vpitch, vyaw,
    #ax    , ay    , az
    odom0: odom/unfiltered
    odom0_config: [false, false, false,
                   false, false, false,
                   true, true, false,
                   false, false, true,
                   false, false, false]
    imu0: imu/data
    imu0_config: [false, false, false,
                  false, false, false,
                  false, false, false,
                  false, false, true,
                  false, false, false]
  • YDLIDAR config

     port: /dev/ydlidar
     frame_id: laser
     ignore_array: ""
     baudrate: 128000
     lidar_type: 1
     device_type: 6
     sample_rate: 5
     abnormal_check_count: 4
     resolution_fixed: true
     reversion: true
     inverted: true
     auto_reconnect: true
     isSingleChannel: false
     intensity: false
     support_motor_dtr: true
     angle_max: 180.0
     angle_min: -180.0
     range_max: 10.0
     range_min: 0.12
     frequency: 5.0
     invalid_range_is_inf: false
     transform_time_offset: 0.1
    transform_timeout: 0.1

     import os
     import yaml
     from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory
     from launch import LaunchDescription
     from launch.actions import DeclareLaunchArgument, IncludeLaunchDescription
     from launch.substitutions import LaunchConfiguration, PathJoinSubstitution, PythonExpression
     from launch.launch_description_sources import PythonLaunchDescriptionSource
     from launch_ros.actions import Node
     from launch_ros.substitutions import FindPackageShare
     from launch.conditions import IfCondition
     def generate_launch_description():
     sensors_launch_path = PathJoinSubstitution(
      [FindPackageShare('ros2_diff_drive_robot_bringup'), 'launch', '']
     joy_launch_path = PathJoinSubstitution(
     [FindPackageShare('ros2_diff_drive_robot_bringup'), 'launch', '']
     description_launch_path = PathJoinSubstitution(
    [FindPackageShare('ros2_diff_drive_robot_description'), 'launch', '']
    #ekf_config_path = PathJoinSubstitution(
    #    [FindPackageShare('ros2_diff_drive_robot_bringup'), 'config', 'ekf.yaml']
    ekf_config_path = os.path.join(get_package_share_directory('ros2_diff_drive_robot_bringup'), 'config/ekf.yaml')
     # Load the parameters specific to your ComposableNode
     with open(ekf_config_path, 'r ...
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hi, did you resolved this? I'm having the same problem even without performing SLAM.

n000oob gravatar image n000oob  ( 2022-12-27 00:52:30 -0500 )edit

So far no and I had to put a pause on that for while. I still do not know where I am making the mistake.

manzurmurshid gravatar image manzurmurshid  ( 2023-04-14 08:47:23 -0500 )edit