Expected include directory with Humble
When porting some packages from Foxy/Galactic to Humble I have noticed one additional level in the expected include directory, for example the one that is generated from messages:
Foxy / Galactic: <ros2_ws>/install/<pkg>/include/<pkg>/msg/headers.hpp
Humble: <ros2_ws>/install/<pkg>/include/<pkg>/<pkg>/msg/headers.hpp
The amenttargetdependencies CMake line includes the right directory, depending on the ROS 2 distro.
However, when installing header files manually (to export some library), this is not automagic. Is is necessary to consider the ROS 2 distro to install the include directory or is there a better way? For now I can only do like:
if(Foxy or Galactic) install(DIRECTORY include/ DESTINATION include)
else install(DIRECTORY include/ DESTINATION include/${PROJECT_NAME})
Asked by Olivier Kermorgant on 2022-08-17 07:59:17 UTC
This was adjusted to make sure that overlays work properly. Without this change you can get headers from the wrong level of overlays.
You can find more info in this issue: https://github.com/ros2/ros2/issues/1150
Asked by tfoote on 2022-08-17 19:47:31 UTC
Thanks, so to summarize if one wants to have a Foxy->Humble compatible package we have to install the include directory with a if/then condition depending on the current ROS distro as in my original post?
Asked by Olivier Kermorgant on 2022-08-18 04:33:43 UTC
IMO the change mentioned should be included in the migration note. Ticketed https://github.com/ros2/ros2_documentation/issues/3702
Asked by 130s on 2023-06-04 17:06:46 UTC