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Run different map/world in a 'for loop' to evaluate navigation algorithm

Hi all,

I want to analyze my path planner algorithm, so I must to load hundreds map in Rviz and Gazebo in a sequence and record the generated control commands. In each map, this code will record control commands for evaluating the path planning algorithm.

Is it possible to load different map/world files in a "for loop" (sequence of worlds)?

Asked by ArmanAsq on 2022-08-08 08:48:09 UTC



i'm not familiar with a way to change world files using ROS tools...

A few workarounds -

  • If your "worlds" are composed of a small number of models it could be easy enough to use gazebo_ros's tools to spawn and delete models, and to reposition your robot as needed.
  • alternately, if you don't mind killing and restarting all your nodes, this should easy enough to manage with a bash or python script

Asked by shonigmann on 2022-08-09 13:14:35 UTC
