unable to visualize own pcd

asked 2022-07-07 10:07:55 -0500

MrOCW gravatar image

updated 2022-07-07 11:37:08 -0500

Hi, i created a pcd via LIO-SAM, ran ros2 launch ndt_nodes map_provider.launch.py and there were no errors, the pcd and yaml file seem to be loaded but i cant see anything in rviz2.

I echoed the viz_ndt_map topic and the frame_id of my own map is empty whereas the autonomous_lot_parking map (which works with the exact same param files used) has frame_id:map. Do i have to export the pcd with some additional data or something?

UPDATE 1: managed to fill in the frame_id manually with the source code.... now i can visualize it. hoping for a better way to do this

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