How to best bridge multiple ros1 masters to ros2

asked 2022-06-27 02:56:50 -0500

alexg-k gravatar image

Basically I am asking what is the best practice to merge ros1 topics from different robots each running its own ros1 master into a single ros2 instance. All topics from each robot shall be bidirectionally mapped to and from ros2 using the robot name in the ros2 topic, like this: "<robot1>/<ros1_topic>".

Is this possible using a single build of the ros1_bridge? I would love the possibility to simply start the node ros1_bridge multiple times with command-line parameters:

ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge --bridge-all-topics <ROS_MASTER_URI1> <mapping_config1>
ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge --bridge-all-topics <ROS_MASTER_URI2> <mapping_config2>

Unfortunately, a lot of configuration of ros1_bridge seems to be controlled using environment variables and global configuration files. Any advice on this is appreciated.

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