Slow framerate on 1mp stereo OV9281 board on Jetson NX

asked 2022-06-21 09:50:44 -0500

vsw gravatar image

updated 2022-06-22 01:26:30 -0500


i have Arducam 1mp stereo OV9281 board, Jetson NX, JP4.4, ROS Melodic. All works, but very slow <5 fps only when running rosbag record/play (rostopic hz).

Also it takes all cores with 100% usage for 2560x800 ~ 2mp MONO. How to obtain >=30fps for bag record?

I am using:

"roslaunch arducam_stereo_camera arducam_stereo_camera.launch"

May be Ros1 has bug? Ros2 will faster?

Gst/vlc plays camera at 80fps.

Best regards, Viktor.

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It seems Arducam bug:


vsw gravatar image vsw  ( 2022-06-22 07:51:04 -0500 )edit