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ROS2 Foxy build from source fails at rviz_ogre_vendor

asked 2022-06-18 10:24:22 -0500

Aj_boatlanding gravatar image

I am trying to build ROS2 Foxy from source on an Odroid XU4 with Ubuntu 20.04 and am following the official guide for building from source. I am not able to finish the build because rviz_ogre_vendor fails which leads to an abort of several other packages. Here is the output from colcon build --symlink-install

Starting >>> ament_package
Starting >>> ament_lint
Starting >>> gtest_vendor
Starting >>> fastcdr
Starting >>> ament_cppcheck
Starting >>> cyclonedds
Starting >>> osrf_pycommon
Starting >>> osrf_testing_tools_cpp
Finished <<< fastcdr [4.56s]                                  
Starting >>> google_benchmark_vendor
Finished <<< gtest_vendor [4.57s]
Starting >>> gmock_vendor
Finished <<< cyclonedds [4.75s]                                
Starting >>> urdfdom_headers
Finished <<< osrf_testing_tools_cpp [5.63s]                    
Starting >>> ament_pycodestyle                                 
Finished <<< google_benchmark_vendor [1.32s]                   
Starting >>> test_osrf_testing_tools_cpp
Finished <<< urdfdom_headers [2.08s]                           
Finished <<< gmock_vendor [2.37s]                              
Finished <<< ament_cppcheck [9.24s]                            
Finished <<< ament_lint [9.32s]                                
Starting >>> ament_flake8
Finished <<< ament_package [9.46s]                             
Starting >>> ament_cmake_core                                   
Finished <<< osrf_pycommon [9.59s]
Finished <<< ament_cmake_core [1.86s]                               
Starting >>> ament_cmake_libraries
Starting >>> ament_cmake_export_libraries                           
Starting >>> ament_cmake_python
Starting >>> ament_cmake_include_directories
Starting >>> ament_cmake_export_definitions
Finished <<< ament_pycodestyle [5.94s]                              
Starting >>> ament_cmake_export_include_directories
Finished <<< ament_cmake_export_libraries [1.60s]
Finished <<< ament_cmake_include_directories [1.62s]
Starting >>> ament_cmake_export_targets
Finished <<< ament_cmake_libraries [1.79s]
Starting >>> ament_cmake_export_dependencies
Starting >>> ament_cmake_export_link_flags
Finished <<< ament_cmake_python [1.86s]
Finished <<< ament_cmake_export_definitions [1.86s]
Finished <<< ament_cmake_export_include_directories [1.75s]
Starting >>> ament_cmake_test
Starting >>> ament_cmake_version         
Starting >>> ament_cmake_export_interfaces
Finished <<< ament_cmake_export_targets [1.72s]
Finished <<< ament_cmake_export_dependencies [1.70s]
Starting >>> ament_cmake_target_dependencies
Finished <<< ament_cmake_export_link_flags [1.78s]
Starting >>> test_interface_files        
Starting >>> ament_pyflakes
Finished <<< ament_cmake_version [1.63s]
Finished <<< ament_cmake_export_interfaces [1.63s]
Finished <<< ament_cmake_test [1.80s]
Starting >>> ros_environment
Starting >>> ament_cmake_gtest           
Starting >>> ament_cmake_pytest
Finished <<< ament_flake8 [7.18s]        
Starting >>> ament_pep257
Finished <<< ament_cmake_target_dependencies [3.27s]
Starting >>> ament_cmake
Finished <<< test_interface_files [3.34s]
Starting >>> ament_lint_auto             
Finished <<< ament_cmake_gtest [3.47s]   
Starting >>> ament_cmake_gmock
Finished <<< ament_cmake_pytest [3.62s]  
Starting >>> ament_cmake_google_benchmark
Finished <<< ament_cmake [1.50s]         
Starting >>> uncrustify_vendor           
Finished <<< ament_lint_auto [1.58s]     
Starting >>> tinyxml2_vendor             
Finished <<< ament_cmake_gmock [1.71s]   
Starting >>> yaml_cpp_vendor             
Finished <<< ament_cmake_google_benchmark [2.03s]
Starting >>> tinyxml_vendor              
Finished <<< ros_environment [5.88s]
Starting >>> shared_queues_vendor        
Finished <<< uncrustify_vendor [1.79s]   
Starting >>> ament_uncrustify
Finished <<< ament_pyflakes [6.66s]      
Starting >>> ament_mypy                  
Finished <<< tinyxml2_vendor [1.91s]     
Starting >>> libcurl_vendor
Finished <<< ament_pep257 [7.51s]        
Starting >>> ament_copyright             
Finished <<< yaml_cpp_vendor [3.89s]     
Starting >>> ament_cmake_auto            
Finished <<< tinyxml_vendor [4.66s]      
Starting >>> rviz_assimp_vendor          
Finished <<< shared_queues_vendor [4.71s]
Starting >>> rviz_ogre_vendor            
Finished <<< libcurl_vendor [4.37s]      
Starting >>> zstd_vendor
Finished <<< ament_cmake_auto [2.71s]    
Starting >>> sqlite3_vendor              
Finished <<< rviz_assimp_vendor [1.99s]  
Starting >>> ament_cmake_nose            
Finished <<< ament_mypy [8.08s]          
Finished <<< ament_uncrustify [8.44s]    
Finished <<< sqlite3_vendor [2.90s]      
Finished <<< zstd_vendor [4.60s]         
Finished <<< ament_copyright [8.13s]     
Starting >>> domain_coordinator          
Starting >>> ament_index_python
Starting >>> ament_lint_cmake            
Starting >>> ament_xmllint               
Starting >>> ament_cpplint               
Finished <<< ament_cmake_nose [14.8s]    
Starting >>> ament_clang_format          
[Processing: ament_clang_format, ament_cpplint, ament_index_python, ament_lint_cmake, ament_xmllint, domain_coordinator, rviz_ogre_vendor, test_osrf_testing_tools_cpp]
[Processing: ament_clang_format, ament_cpplint, ament_index_python ...
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2 Answers

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answered 2022-06-20 13:39:46 -0500

Aj_boatlanding gravatar image

I was able to successfully build from source on my system by using rosinstall_generator to install ros_core only according to this answer. In order to successfully build I also had to limit the numer of cores used during the build by setting export MAKEFLAGS="-j 4" as recommended here

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answered 2022-06-19 13:13:54 -0500

ljaniec gravatar image

You can try to use colcon build --packages-ignore rviz_ogre_vendor and similar with each of the problematic packages (e.g. test_osrf_testing_tools_cpp) and see if they could be skipped (low probability, 32-bit systems are much rarer nowadays).

Package rviz_ogre_vendor is a wrapper around ogre3d, maybe you can seek help through their GitHub issues.

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Asked: 2022-06-18 10:24:22 -0500

Seen: 905 times

Last updated: Jun 20 '22