Kuka Youbot MoveIt lack of Velocity or Acceleration
I am currently using a physical Kuka Youbot to plan and execute a Cartesian path via move it.
Upon execution, the Youbot driver gives an error stating the plan is malformed, and needs to provide 5 joint commands, as well as velocity and acceleration commands.
Upon investigating the plan generated by MoveIt, it seems joint commands are given, but the commands for velocity and acceleration are empty.
Has anyone experienced this before, and does anyone know how to fix this?
Asked by inperator_germanicus on 2022-05-16 06:45:40 UTC
I don't have a lot of direct experience handling the output of MoveIt! yet but I'd look at this:
and this:
From the second link:
MoveIt can support different algorithms for post-processing a kinematic trajectory to add timestamps and velocity/acceleration values. Currently there are three available by default in MoveIt:
Iterative Parabolic Time Parameterization
Iterative Spline Parameterization
Time-optimal Trajectory Generation
Asked by danzimmerman on 2022-05-17 17:16:56 UTC