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Catkin make error: No such file or directory for existing header file

My problem is similar to one in
[]. But I couldn't find a solution. TI removed and reinstalled the ros nothing changed.

I am using Ros-Melodic

My error was something like this: In file included from /home/user/ws/src/B/src/bb/bb.cpp fatal error: A/aa.h: No such file or directory #include

CmakeLists.txt are fine

Asked by hziya on 2022-04-27 01:04:29 UTC


Please explain what is your question and/or problem with detail and maybe screenshots of problem

Asked by FurkanEdizkan on 2022-04-27 05:34:44 UTC


The problem is solved by first building A pkg by

catkin_make --pkg A

then building all by


Asked by hziya on 2022-04-27 06:40:41 UTC
