Hello, I'm working on a project with ROS and a number of idlidar G6.

asked 2022-04-24 21:21:37 -0500

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ROS and LIDAR have been linked up to one, but problems occur when more than two are linked.

We succeeded in making two laser sensors by dividing the scan topic of the lidar into two, but the lidar cannot be separated.

So we had a different port, one for /dev/ydlidar and one for /dev/tyUSB0, which seemed to work at the same time, and then one of them went off when the timer went out.

Even if the ports are /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1, if it is not the port corresponding to ydlidar -> ttyUSB* when ls -al /dev/, it turns off after a while.

Isn't it differentiating between the ports and the lidar? I just don't know what else there is.

If you separate frame_id into two and look at it as rviz, the sensor data will be shown separately.

The same phenomenon occurs even if you make it with yaml and give a different port or give a separate price with arg param.

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