How to get joint_position_command_ with velocity_controllers/JointTrajectoryController

asked 2022-04-16 02:46:42 -0500

gyoumu gravatar image

Hi, I'm currently trying to move my robot by using ros_control with velocity_controllers/JointTrajectoryController I'm using the ros_control_boilerplate as a template.

I wanted to send joint_position_command_ to my robot, but velocity_controllers/JointTrajectoryController just sends joint_velocity_command_

I tried following the method here by deriving joint_position_command_ from joint_velocity_command_

but because of the steady-state error, joint_velocity_command_ is not 0, thus causing the joint_position_ to keep increasing/decreasing over time.

I'm currently thinking of getting the goal position values from /follow_joint_trajectory/goal (I'm guessing this is from MoveIt) May I know how could I access the value from this topic and store it into joint_position_command_?

or is there any other better method to get joint_position_command_ with velocity_controllers/JointTrajectoryController?

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