Joint 'shoulder_pan_joint' has 9765923333140350858 command interfaces found. 2 expected.

asked 2022-03-17 09:42:28 -0500

drkleppe gravatar image


I'm working on trying to connect a UR3 to my PC, which is running Ubuntu 20.04 and Galactic. I followed all the steps on the GitHub, and it failed to run.

After a little messing around, I can see that the ur_robot_driver that is failing. Specifically that it finds 9765923333140350858 command interfaces when loading the URDF.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong.

The only change I've done to debug is to comment out all nodes except "ur_control_node" and "robot_state_publisher_node" in the launch file.

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