ROS2 foxy with fastrtps failed to transmit large-size msg between remote PC

asked 2022-03-08 20:54:30 -0500

mikaa gravatar image


I want to transmit large-size msg between two remote PC, but it loss most msgs or the subscrber just freezes. When I reduce the msg to small size, everything is ok.

I test it in several different environment, the result is the same, one of the test environment is:

  • PC A: Ryzen 4600u + 16G + Ubuntu18.04 + docker 20.10.12

    command: ros2 run image_tools cam2image --ros-args -p width:=1280 -p height:=720 -p frequency:=10.1

  • PC B: i7 9700 +16G +Ubuntu18.04 + docker 20.10.12

    command: ros2 run image_tools showimage

A is wired connected with B directly, and ROS2 node is running in a container from the same image, foxy is the latest version(fastrtps verson 1.3.0) .

Besides, I have tried transmit 32/16 rings lidar data, or from a Jetson Xavier to a i9 12900k+64G PC, the result is the same. Once you can reduce the data size, like reduce image size from 1280720 to 320240, or downsample the lidar data, everything is ok. So I guess it is related with the data size.

I want to know why and how to fix it.

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