MoveIt setup assistant not loading meshes; unable to find package name within the ROS workspace
Hello everyone!
I have exported a hand SolidWorks assembly file into a URDF using a the sw_urdf SolidWorks addon. I have defined the joint tree and wanted to move onto setting it up fully using MoveIt setup assistant. When I tried loading the file into it I have received the following error:
ROS was unable to find the package name hand within the ROS workspace. This may cause issues later.
This is strange as I have followed this guide when importing the generated URDF into my ROS workspace and it involved generating a package.
After I click OK to carry on and load the URDF into the setup assistant I get the following errors for every link I have (the example provided is a sample):
[rospack] Error: package 'hand.urdf' not found It seems that because MoveIt did not spot the package directory it couldn't find the meshes directory. I am unsure how to resolve this issue as I did setup a ROS package using catkin_create_pkg command.
I will be very grateful if someone could guide me regarding this problem.