Gazebo sim model having random movements [MIR200 - UR5e - Robotiq 2f-85]

asked 2022-03-06 06:26:46 -0500

Uspsa gravatar image

Hi everyone, I am a newbie to ROS platform and after going through few courses and contents I have started this project using ROS Neotic - Ubuntu 20.04. I have used urdf and mesh files of MIR200, UR5e and Robotiq 2f-85 packages to create my own Autonomous Mobile Manipulator Robot (AMMR). After resolving basic errors of urdfs and meshes, the model is successfully being loaded in the Gazebo sim; but having random movements. Below are the tasks I have done so far.

  1. created ammr_world.launch file to include the and ammr.urdf.xacro files.
  2. Added rosparam in the launch file to include pid gains (ammr_pid_params.yaml) for the joints (without which i'm getting error of "no p gain specified for pid")

I'm running this command roslaunch ammr_description_pkg ammr_world.launch

Yet the robot model spawned in gazebo is moving on its own randomly like here.

But when I'm opening the same xacro in rviz using ammr_view.launch, the model is rendering correcting and able to control joints using joint_state_publisher_gui.

Please find the AMMR Package

Please let me know if any more details are needed. Requesting your help as i'm banging my head on this issue since weeks! Thanks in advance!

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